Secondo me, parte 2 – In my opinion, part 2

  • Yūgen 幽玄, il fascino dell’insondabile. Quello che provi immaginandoti nel tempo, oltre che nello spazio.
  • Karumi 軽み, la leggerezza d’animo. Di quando ti rotoli sul prato come da bambino, senza preoccuparti d’altro.
  • Shiori しおり, il fascino che si irradia verso il lettore. Come l’aroma di caffè il lunedì mattina.

    E voi dove ritrovate queste caratteristiche?-

  • Yūgen 幽玄, the unknowns charm. The one you feel seeing yourself in time instead of in space.
  • Karumi 軽み, the light mind. When you roll in the grass like a child, carelessly.
  • Shiori しおり, the charm radiating toward the reader. Like the coffee smell the monday morning.

    Where do you find these?

12 risposte a "Secondo me, parte 2 – In my opinion, part 2"

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      1. Ok! I’ll give it a try.
        Sabi: it lingers inside the porous walls of my tiny Kyusu which, in these years, hosted litres of Genmaichas, Hojichas and perhaps even some robuster fellows.
        Wabi: my first iron-kettle. Retired from a posh teapot status, it embraced a more wabi lifestyle instead. I’m not steeping tea in it anymore, but it still comes to life, from time to time, as a pop-up flower vase.
        Mono no aware, what a nostalgia! I’ve heard it so many times from my Japanese professor that I can even recall his voice and intonation while he’s pronouncing this word.

        Piace a 1 persona

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